Academic & Professional Experience

Last updated: August 18, 2024


University of Washington School of Public Health, Seattle, WA
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Epidemiology
June 2024

  • Doctoral Dissertation: “State-of-the-ART Care: Revolutionizing Medication Delivery in Rural Settings with a Person-Centered Care Approach”
  • Predoctoral Fellow, Biostatistics, Epidemiologic, and Bioinformatic Training in Environmental Health Training Grant, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, U.S. National Institutes of Health (June 2020-2022)
  • Diversity Research Supplement Awardee, Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research, National Institute of Mental Health, U.S. National Institutes of Health (June 2022-2024)

Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, New York, NY
Master of Public Health in Epidemiology, Applied Biostatistics Certificate
May 2020

  • Master’s Thesis: “Network analysis of livestock trade data to assess potential for zoonotic disease spread in Western Asia” (Grade: A)
  • Relevant coursework: Epidemiology I-III, Applied Regression I & II, Analysis of Categorical Data, Data Science, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Epi Modeling of Infectious Diseases, Advanced GIS and Spatial Analysis, Pharmaceutical Statistics, Machine Learning for Epidemiology and Public Health

McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
Bachelor of Science in Physical (Health) Geography, Economics
May 2018

  • Relevant coursework: Global Environmental Health & Burden of Disease, Economic Evaluation of Health Programs, Fundamentals of Global Health, Advanced Topics in Health Geography

Skills & Certifications

Statistical, Spatial, and Bioinformatics Analysis: EpiInfo, R (advanced), SAS (basic), Stata (basic); ArcGIS, GeoDa, QGIS; Geneious Prime, Shell Scripting Microsoft Office: Excel, PowerPoint, Word
Languages: English (full fluency), Mandarin Chinese (moderate fluency)
Certifications: CITI Human Subjects Protection and HIPAA Patient Privacy

Non-Profit & Government Public Health Research Experience (June 2018-Present)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA
Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Officer
July 2024 – Present

  • Assigned to the Disease Outbreak Control Division, Hawaii State Department of Health, Honolulu, HI
  • EIS officers serve at the forefront of public health, protecting Americans and the global community, while training under the guidance of seasoned mentors during a two-year fellowship
  • When disease outbreaks or other public health threats emerge, EIS officers investigate, identify the cause, rapidly implement control measures, and collect evidence to recommend preventive actions

Commissioned Corps of the United States Public Health Service (USPHS)
Lieutenant, Scientist Officer
June 2024 – Present

  • USPHS Commissioned Corps scientists conduct biomedical, clinical, behavioral, and epidemiological research, enforce drug and medical device regulations, and manage national and international research programs
  • USPHS scientists strive to bring the most current science into play to address public health challenges and promote and improve the health of the Nation

Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, Seattle, WA
Research Assistant
PI: Drs. Jennifer Otten and Marie Spiker, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences & the Center for Public Health Nutrition
December 2022 – September 2023

  • Conducted data analyses for the WAFOOD Survey to monitor the economic impact of COVID-19 and related inflationary food price fluctuations on Washington State residents’ food security and needs
  • Produced a report that directly informed the Washington State Department of Agriculture during the Washington State legislative session in early 2023
  • Primary tasks included cleaning and analyzing WAFOOD survey data, preparing written and visual components of preliminary (February 2023) WAFOOD wave 4 and final (June 2023) longitudinal and cross-sectional reports, harmonizing data across four WAFOOD survey waves, and conducting statistical analyses for and co-authoring a manuscript for submission to a peer-reviewed journal

EpiPointe LLC, Cary, NC
Epidemiologist (Remote)
PI: Dr. Falgunee Parekh
October 2022 – Present

  • Working in collaboration with Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University in Punjab, India to develop an innovative training network program focused on the under-represented workforce of Women Veterinary Health Professionals (WVHPs) and Women Farmers (WF) to enhance capacity to rapidly detect outbreaks of high consequence pathogens
  • Designing content for multi-day workshops in India to train WVHPs on One Health Epidemiology and laboratory biosafety and biosecurity topics
  • Assisting in selection of WVHPs to implement pilot workshops for WFs in their districts
  • Writing and disseminating monthly short trainings/communications after workshops to reinforce learning outcomes, promote recruitment, and ensure retention of WVHPs and WFs
  • Developing and implementing pre- and post-engagement evaluation metrics of participants to measure capacity, knowledge, awareness, strengths, weaknesses, and likelihood of implementation success

International Clinical Research Center, Seattle, WA
Research Assistant
PI: Dr. Jennifer Ross, Department of Global Health
September 2021 – June 2022

  • Worked on a HIV-Tuberculosis (TB) mathematical modeling study to estimate the health impact in HIV infections averted of combination prevention and linkage to antiretroviral therapy for serodiscordant couples in TB-affected households in 4 TB-HIV high-burden countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda)
  • Conducted 2 systematic literature reviews to identify mathematical model parameters for the study
  • Managed study literature database and performed data extraction of past studies
  • Calculated the prevalence of HIV in adult household contacts of TB patients in Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda
  • Co-authored a manuscript based on study findings

Chelan-Douglas Health District, East Wenatchee, WA
Epidemiologist (Deployed)
Supervisor: Dr. Luke Davies, Chelan-Douglas Health District Administrator
August 2021 – September 2021

  • Deployed as a University of Washington Student Epidemic Action Leaders (SEAL) Team member on a 6-week assignment in Wenatchee to understand more about long COVID through data collection and advanced analyses
  • Performed a rapid literature review and wrote up a summary report on long COVID
  • Created a centralized COVID-19 case database for the health district
  • Analyzed data on long COVID cases in the Chelan-Douglas Health District
  • Assisted with COVID-19 case investigations and test notifications across the health district during the Delta variant surge in cases and at vaccination clinics

International Clinical Research Center, Seattle, WA
Research Assistant
PI: Drs. Carey Farquhar and Joshua Herbeck, Department of Global Health
September 2020 – September 2021

  • Worked on various research tasks for the Study of HIV, HCV, APS and Phylogenetics for PWID (SHARP) which seeks to determine whether assisted partner services can find, test, and link to care the sexual and injection partners of people who inject drugs that are HIV-positive in Kenya
  • Performed phylogenetic and statistical analyses to elucidate risk factors for onward transmission of both HIV and hepatitis C in this population
  • First-authored a paper examining characteristics of index participants that result in greater onward transmission of HIV in sexual and drug-injection partners
  • Co-authored a paper describing viral suppression of drugs used to treat HIV in the study population
  • Worked with co-investigators on manuscript development, literature reviews, and parameterization of HIV epidemiological models
  • Prepared the IRB application for a supplemental study on COVID-19 testing in this population

EpiPointe LLC, Cary, NC
Epidemiologist (Remote)
PI: Dr. Falgunee Parekh
April 2021 – July 2021

  • Worked in collaboration with FHI Clinical and Harvard Medical School to conduct Site Feasibility assessments for the epidemiology study that will support a Phase 3 tuberculosis vaccine trial sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute
  • Assisted in development of the Feasibility and Site Capacity Assessment Tool to assess tuberculosis epidemiology at the site and catchment area levels
  • Developed a systematic method to score key criteria in the Feasibility and Site Capacity Assessment Tool
  • Scored site responses according to the systematic method developed
  • Provided topic areas for subject matter experts to follow-up with sites based on evaluation of survey responses
  • Contributed to a final report that summarizes the scoring process, results of scoring, ranking of sites according to key criteria, and lessons learned
  • Worked on a manuscript for scientific publication in conjunction with the team to describe the assessment and scoring methodology

Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
COVID-19 Literature Situation Report Research Assistant
PI: Drs. Jennifer Ross and Brandon Guthrie, Department of Global Health
June 2020 – June 2021

  • Contributed to the production of a daily summaries and in-depth reports of literature related to the COVID-19 outbreak
  • Tasks included a daily systematic search of published and pre-print literature, importation of citations, sorting of references into priority categories, identification of 10-20 articles per day to summarize, writing and editing of article summaries, and distribution of a daily literature digest

Columbia University, New York, NY
Department of Epidemiology Graduate Research Assistant
PI: Dr. Jeanine Genkinger, Department of Epidemiology
September 2019 – September 2020

  • Worked on a new research study of nutrition, early detection, and cancer risk and survival (primarily focused on ovarian and pancreatic cancers) for 34 international cohort studies included in the Pooling Project of Prospective Studies of Diet and Cancer (DCPP) of Harvard University
  • Routine tasks included assisting with NIH research grant submissions, performing word processing for scientific manuscripts, conducting data analysis and literature searches, updating research databases, preparing PowerPoint presentations, and creating tables, graphs, and spreadsheets
  • Co-authored: 1. an epidemiology methods manuscript on the data standardization process for comparison across five different dietary indices and 2. a systematic review on risk factors for double primary breast and ovarian cancer in women across the risk spectrum

Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, New York, NY
Teaching Assistant, EHSC P8321: Introduction to Data Science for Environmental Health
Professor: Dr. Tiffany Sanchez, Department of Environmental Health Sciences
March – May 2020

  • This team-taught second quarter Spring 2020 course covered both conceptual and practical topics in data science related to environmental health sciences including web scraping/text mining, working with spatial data, prediction models, and omics
  • Worked with various instructors to develop weekly modules, coded weekly lab and homework assignments in R, led students through in-class coding labs, and troubleshooted student questions during weekly office hours

EcoHealth Alliance, New York, NY
EcoHealthNet Research Exchange Intern
PI: Dr. Kevin Olival, Vice President for Research & Dr. Kendra Phelps, Senior Scientist
May – August 2019

  • Worked specifically on the Western Asia Bat Research Network Project (WAB-Net) which is fully funded by the Cooperative Biological Engagement Program of the United States Department of Defense – Defense Threat Reduction Agency
  • Completed a broad zoonotic disease literature review and researched pre-existing, publicly available datasets (i.e., Food and Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database, World Organisation for Animal Health’s World Animal Health Information System) to use
  • Conducted a network analysis on livestock trade and prevalence of three zoonotic diseases between 20 Western Asia countries in R, then transitioned the project to become my master’s thesis
  • Collected diagnostic samples from wild-caught bats for coronavirus surveillance in Turkey and Jordan in August 2019

National Center for Disaster Preparedness, New York, NY
Graduate Research Assistant
Supervisor: Dr. Thomas Chandler, Research Scientist
January – May 2019

  • Built an open-access topical application using ArcGIS which will serve as supplemental material to FEMA Community Housing Recovery trainings throughout the United States
  • Curated housing, community, and natural hazards Geographic Information Systems (GIS) assets based on existing literature regarding community housing recovery after disasters
  • Cleaned and manipulated curated datasets in Stata
  • Spatially joined housing, community, and natural hazards GIS datasets to a Census Tract geodatabase
  • Invited to give an oral presentation on this novel tool as part of the Disaster Clusters session at the Earth Science Information Partners Annual Meeting in Tacoma, WA in July 2019

U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, DC
National Park Service, Office of Public Health, Disease Prevention and Response Epidemiology Branch Epidemiology Student Trainee
Supervisor: Dr. Maria Said, Epidemiology Branch Chief
June – August 2018

  • Developed content (e.g., infectious disease fact sheets) for the National Park Service internal and external websites
  • Evaluated Appalachian Trail’s current norovirus surveillance system to identify strengths and gaps
  • Used CDC software EpiInfo to develop and deploy disease detection survey for norovirus cases in Yellowstone National Park
  • Performed fieldwork (tick dragging) for multi-year CDC Lyme disease surveillance project in Rock Creek Park, Maryland

Selected Publications

Tseng A.S., Roberts M.C., Weissman S.J., Rabinowitz P.M. Study of heavy metal resistance genes in Escherichia coli isolates from a marine ecosystem with a history of environmental pollution (arsenic, cadmium, copper, and mercury). PLOS ONE. Forthcoming 2023.

Parekh F.K., Mui W.L., Tseng A.S., Toro J., Craig T., Ndugga M., Schmidt A.C., Dagnew A.F., Penz C., Belai G. Data-driven epidemiologic approach to conducting site feasibility for a global phase III tuberculosis vaccine clinical trial. PLOS Glob Public Health. Forthcoming 2023 Nov 8.

Ferris, J.S., Morgan, D.A., Tseng, A.S., Terry, M.B., Ottman, R., Hur, C., Wright, J.D., & Genkinger, J.M. Risk Factors for Developing Both Primary Breast and Primary Ovarian Cancer: A Systematic Review. (2023). Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 104081.

Yeh, K.B., Powers, M.D., Patel, A., Parekh, F., Tseng, A.S., Bradford, E., Parker, K., Soong, R., Olinger, G., & Mombo, I. (2023). Retrospective on molecular assay design for detecting pan-orthopox viruses and prospective on mpox laboratory preparedness and readiness. Frontiers in Tropical Diseases, 4.

Otten, J.J., Spiker, M.L., Dai, J., Tseng, A.S., Buszkiewicz, J.H., Beese, S., Collier, S.M., Ismach, A. Washington State Food Security Surveys: Longitudinal findings across survey waves 1-4, 2020-2023 [Internet]. Seattle: University of Washington School of Public Health Center for Public Health Nutrition; 2023 June [cited 2023 Aug 4]. Available from:

Otten, J.J., Spiker, M.L., Dai, J., Tseng, A.S., Buszkiewicz, J.H., Beese, S., Collier, S.M., Ismach, A. Washington State Food Security Surveys: Cross-sectional findings from survey waves 1-4, 2020-2023 [Internet]. Seattle: University of Washington School of Public Health Center for Public Health Nutrition; 2023 June [cited 2023 Aug 4]. Available from:

Otten, J.J., Spiker, M.L., Dai, J., Tseng, A.S., Buszkiewicz, J.H., Beese, S., Collier, S.M., Ismach, A. Food Access and Economic Well-being: Additional findings from a 4th survey of Washington State households [Internet]. Seattle: University of Washington School of Public Health Center for Public Health Nutrition; 2023 June [cited 2023 Aug 4]. Available from:

Anguzu, G., Gupta, A.J., Ochom, E., Tseng, A.S., Zhang, M., Barnabas, R.V., Flaxman, A.D., Katamba, A., Davis, J.L., Ross, J.M. Frequency of HIV serodifferent couples within TB-affected households in a setting with a high burden of HIV-associated TB. (2023). BMC Infectious Diseases, 23(1), 388.

Otten, J.J., Spiker, M.L., Dai, J., Tseng, A.S., Buszkiewicz, J.H., Beese, S., Collier, S.M., Ismach, A. Food Security and Food Assistance in the Wake of COVID-19: A 4th Survey of Washington State Households [Internet]. Seattle: University of Washington School of Public Health Center for Public Health Nutrition; 2023 Feb [cited 2023 Apr 28]. Available from:

Doshi, S., Kingston, H., Tseng, A.S., Chohan, B.H., Sambai, B., Guthrie, B.L., Monroe-Wise, A., Mbogo, L.W., Masyuko, S., Tram, K.H., Sinkele, W., Macharia, P., Bukusi, D., Herbeck, J.T., Farquhar, C. (2023) SARS-CoV-2 antibody prevalence, correlates, and access to harm reduction services among people who inject drugs living with and without HIV and their partners in Kenya. Harm Reduction Journal, 20(1), 21.

Tseng, A.S., Sambai, B., Monroe-Wise, A., Mbogo, L.W., Ludwig-Barron, N.T., Masyuko, S.J., Chohan, B.H., Scott, J.D., Sinkele, W., Herbeck, J.T., Farquhar, C., & Guthrie, B.L. (2022). Assisted partner services for people who inject drugs: Index characteristics associated with untreated HIV in partners. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 91(3), 269–275.

Hill, C.M., Tseng, A.S., Holzhauer, K., Littman, A.J., & Jones-Smith, J.C. (2022). Association between health care access and food insecurity among lower-income older adults with multiple chronic conditions in Washington State, USA. Public Health Nutrition, 1–9.

Yeh, K.B., Tabynov, K., Parekh, F.K., Mombo, I., Parker, K., Tabynov, K., Bradrick, S.S., Tseng, A.S., Yang, J.-R., Gardiner, L., Olinger, G., & Setser, B. (2021). Significance of High-Containment Biological Laboratories Performing Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Biosafety Level-3 and -4 Labs. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9.

Mbogo, L.W., Sambai, B., Monroe-Wise, A., Ludwig-Barron, N.T., Guthrie, B.L., Bukusi, D., Chohan, B., Macharia, P., Dunbar, M., Juma, E., Sinkele, W., Gitau, E., Tseng, A.S., Bosire, R., Masyuko, S., Musyoki, H., Temu, T.M., Herbeck, J., & Farquhar, C. (2021). Participation in methadone programs improves antiretroviral uptake and HIV viral suppression among people who inject drugs in Kenya. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 108587.

Tseng, A., Tolentino, L., Seiler, J., Issema, R., Fisher, M., Rowlinson, E., Slaughter, F., Fajans, M., Fuller, S., Green, D., Louden, D., Drake, A., Hahn, W., Ross, J.M., & Guthrie, B.L. Summary of Evidence Related to Travel, Hospitality and Service Industries, and COVID-19 Risk. Published April 6, 2021.

Tseng, A., Tolentino, L., Seiler, J., Issema, R., Fisher, M., Fuller, S., Green, D., Louden, D., Drake, A. Hahn, W., Guthrie, B.L., & Ross, J.M. Summary of SARS-CoV-2 Novel Variants. Published February 5, 2021.


  • Graduate Student Conference Presentation Award, The Graduate School, University of Washington, October 2023
  • Travel Award, Department of Epidemiology, University of Washington, September 2023
  • James A. McDermott, M.D. Global Health Endowed Fellowship 2023-24, University of Washington School of Public Health, May 2023
  • Walter A. Remak Scholarship 2023-24, University of Washington School of Public Health, May 2023
  • U.S. National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Mental Health, Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research, Diversity Research Supplement Award for Dissertation Research, University of Washington, June 2022-2024
  • Exceptional Student Award, Washington State Public Health Association, October 2021
  • U.S. National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Research Service Award (NRSA- T32 Predoctoral Fellowship), Biostatistics, Epidemiologic, and Bioinformatic Training in Environmental Health (BEBTEH) Training Grant, University of Washington, June 2021-2022
  • Epi Non-Travel Award, Department of Epidemiology, University of Washington, September 2020
  • U.S. National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Research Service Award (NRSA- T32 Predoctoral Fellowship), Biostatistics, Epidemiologic, and Bioinformatic Training in Environmental Health (BEBTEH) Training Grant, University of Washington, June 2020-2021
  • Best Poster of Infectious Disease Epidemiology Award, Columbia University’s 9th Annual Epidemiology Master’s Student Day, October 2019
  • Travel Award, 2019 Earth Science Information Partners Summer Meeting, July 2019
  • Travel Award, McGill University Science Undergraduate Society Ambassador Fund, October 2017
  • First Place Prize, “NTI-GHSN Biosecurity Competition Proposal: Addressing Biosecurity and Associated Technological Risks by Creating a Database to Knowledge-sharing and Utility,” 2017 Nuclear Threat Initiative-Next Generation Global Health Security Network Biosecurity in the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) Competition for the 4th Annual High Level GHSA Ministerial Meeting in Kampala, Uganda, October 2017

Recent Community Experience

Volunteer, the 30th Annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), February 2023

  • Supported the Conference Secretariat and Scientific Program Committee through acting as a room monitor for symposia and themed discussions, assisting in the abstract poster room, and answering conference attendee questions

Volunteer, University of Washington, Department of Epidemiology PhD Enrollment and Funding Task Force, September 2022 – Present

  • The Department of Epidemiology convened a Task Force with faculty, staff, and PhD student members to address two interconnected aspects of the PhD program: 1) the recent successive years with substantially larger than anticipated enrollment; and 2) the expectation that admitted (and enrolled) PhD students must locate their own funding
  • The Task Force’s mission is to investigate and deliberate on the multitude of issues that would be raised were the Department to change its PhD student funding model to be more in line with peer institutions, providing the Department with a recommendation for implementing a new PhD student funding model

Volunteer, Ballard Food Bank, August 2022 – Present

  • I help prepare, cook, and serve food at Ballard Food Bank’s Kindness Café and pack food for home delivery

Volunteer, University of Washington, Department of Epidemiology Curriculum Committee, September 2021

  • Served on Anti-Racism & Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Sub-committee of the Curriculum Committee
  • Reviewed proposed changes in course materials or classroom teaching for the upcoming fall quarter course, “EPI 530: AIDS: Multidisciplinary Approach”
  • Paired with a Department of Epidemiology faculty member to evaluate the course with
  • Completed a rubric to individually evaluate the course then discussed the rubric with the paired faculty member

Volunteer, University of Washington Student Epidemic Action Leaders (SEAL) Team, December 2020 – September 2021

  • Received training through the University of Washington, Department of Epidemiology to develop knowledge and skills in communicable disease and applied epidemiology in preparation for field assignments at the Washington State Department of Health (WADOH) and local health jurisdiction including outbreak investigations and other public health preparedness and response activities affecting the community at the time
  • From December 2020-June 2021, I was activated on a SEAL Team field assignment at the WADOH, helping conduct the School Outbreak Assessment of Policies and Practices (SOAPP) survey to determine the incidence and transmission patterns of COVID-19 in Washington state schools
  • From August-September 2021, I was activated on a field assignment at the Washington State Chelan Douglas Health District to understand more about COVID-19 long-haulers through data collection and advanced analyses

Volunteer, Ayi Can Help 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, October 2020 – Present

  • Working with two US-based Taiwanese non-profit organizations, American Compassion Life Association and Global Compassion Life Foundation, to donate various PPE items to those in need over the past year
  • Coordinated PPE donations to Rainier Valley Midwives in Seattle, NicaPhoto in Nicaragua, to the Maasai Association in Kenya, and to the Chelan-Douglas Health District in Central Washington
  • For the Fall 2022 Back-to-School Project, I coordinated, packed, and delivered 46 backpack and school supply donations to the Refugee Women’s Alliance afterschool Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) program in Seattle, Washington

Competition Proposal Judge, Nuclear Threat Initiative-Next Generation Global Health Security Network’s Biosecurity in the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) Competition, 2018 – 2022

  • Asked to serve as an international biosecurity and biosafety subject matter expert judge in the annual Next Generation for Biosecurity Competition
  • Reviewed 3-4 proposals then assessed the top-scoring papers at a roundtable by NTI, NextGen GHS Network, and the other judges